Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Mean Little Trick

This article presents a mean little trick. I tell you I used this not only on girls but even on friends, clients and everybody. It rocks. It leaves your prey with no other option, either to say a blunt No and feel himself/herself as rude personality or to let you win.

Its as simple as asking - what will you like to have, something hot or cold. The option to say No, is just not there. Read more!

Attracting and Seducing Women: How to Use ‘Option Limitation’ to Maximise Your Success

Getting girls to feel an attraction for you - that isn’t simply based on your looks, the contents of your wallet or the car you’ve got parked outside - can be really tricky.

After all, how are men supposed to know what each girl’s looking for without asking?

If you DID ask, you know your chances would be small, after all, no girl wants a guy approaching her with needy questions - she wants a confident man who somehow seems to know what she’s after and can give it to her.

So how do you do it?

How do you become the man that effortlessly exudes confidence, dominance and presence, without turning into an arrogant poser or desperate wannabe?

The answer lies in psychology. It’s at the heart of all persuasive social situations, and absolutely central to the success of any guy’s attempts at attracting and seducing women. Quite simply, by learning the CORRECT psychological rules, principles and tactics, any guy can play and WIN at the game of seduction. For example, let’s look at one such psychological technique, that used correctly boosts any guy’s chance of getting a girl’s number or hooking up with her at a later date by at  least 50%, each and every time he uses it. It’s called option limitation and works on the following principle of human nature:

When someone’s presented with only a single choice, often their natural reaction will be to rebel against it and go their own way. However, when given 2 or 3 options, the opposite occurs: they feel their intellectual freedom has been respected and they make their choice from the variety of options they’ve been presented with.

You can use this universal psychological principle when picking-up or seducing a woman by carefully constructing how you pose important questions or phrases while talking to her.

For example, most men think saying: “Can I have your number?” is an okay way to finish a conversation that’s gone well with a girl. But a much more powerful and effective way of saying the same thing would be to use option limitation. Something like: “It’s been nice to meet you. Shall we swap numbers or maybe grab a bite to eat and a drink tomorrow?” What you’re doing is presenting the girl with a choice between good and better – whichever she says yes to, you win. If you only give her one option, as in the first example, she’s likely to create her own alternative, which means there’s a chance she won’t say yes to the option you gave her. When she subconsciously recognises that she’s been given a choice between multiple outcomes, she feels her intellectual freedom has been respected and she chooses one of them.

So, always use option limitation to give the impression there’s a variety of options available to the girl – even though each one is fine as far as you’re concerned. And to strengthen the effect of option limitation, always try to separate the choices you give the girl with the word “or.”  When people hear “or” they automatically recognise that they need to make a choice, and therefore do just that.

Option limitation is just one example of how, whether they know it or not, men who are successful with women CREATE that success for themselves – not through luck or good fortune.

Tiffany Taylor is the female author of GuyGetsGirl, a special guide for men that reveals all the dirty tricks women play on guys each and every day. And, most importantly, how men can turn the tables on women by using special psychological techniques to attract and seduce them, anywhere, anytime…effortlessly.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The First Impression - What is your score?

Ok, we know that first impression are very important even if they are not the last. It has been repeated too often and we have heard of it too often. BUT, the million dollar question is how to go about it. Well here it is from Tiffany: The 5S Technique. Take a look!

Making A Great First Impression On Women

By Tiffany Taylor

ALWAYS look your best.  I know this sounds REALLY obvious but you'd be surprised by how many men don't understand the importance of this simple tip. You never know when the girl of your dreams will turn up, or where. And it’s become a bit of a cliché because it’s true -- first impressions really do count.

Here are some figures to consider from my studies.

If you make a GOOD first impression on a woman, you have a 90% chance of EVER getting with her at that point (10% of women for whatever reason will be unreachable for most men at ANY point – she might like women herself etc).

If you make a BAD first impression your chances with her reduce drastically to just 20%. This means that to make her attracted to you AFTER the first 3 minutes of meeting her will be incredibly difficult if her first impressions of you were bad.

It’s the difference between climbing a mountain and using a helicopter to fly up one. Good first impressions means you’re on your way to the top in the helicopter, bad first impressions means you have a difficult climb to success – no helicopters for you.

Honestly, I can't stress this enough -- always try to look your best.

Tiff’s 5 S’s of first impressions.

Shave. Shower. Stylish. Smell. Shoes.

Remember these 5 S’s and always take care of them before you go out.

Why are shoes my number 5 S?

Your shoes are the FIRST thing a woman really notices about your clothing and hence your appearance.  Make sure your shoes are clean and fashionable.

What you wear is very important.  I could try to recommend a certain look but as with all things fashionable by the time you read this it may have changed. 

Get the latest GQ magazine or other fashionable men's magazine's and imitate the styles you see there -- most women don't really care what labels you are wearing as long as you look good so you don't have to spend the Earth on clothing. 

Many guys I help dress better usually comment on how strange they feel wearing clothes they are uncomfortable in, but nine times out of 10 they start to feel natural and even confident wearing their new wardrobe within days.

Make sure you smell good.  Again this is extremely important.  Remember how you feel when a woman walks by you and she smells soooo good - you feel an instant attraction even though you don't know her - well, that's how women feel too. 

Wear a good-quality cologne, but don't spray too much. 

One squirt on both sides of the neck, and one squirt on both wrists -- maximum.  You don't want to smell too overpowering. 

I recommend cool water by Davidoff or John Paul Gautier for Men (often called JPG love juice because women love it) if they don’t sell it where you are try to order some from abroad, this stuff is GREAT!

And here's a GREAT little SECRET that I have found will help you actually pickup about 24% of women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. You won't find this anywhere else either. What you need to do is...

By Tiffany Taylor
Click Here To Read More Tips From Her

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Seduction Body Language

I have read so much on body language that nothing seems new to me. I have read books like

Teach Yourself Body Language: Books: Gordon Wainright

Body Language Secrets: A Guide During Courtship

Body Language: How to Read Others' Thoughts

So I expected same stuff from Tiffany here. Frankly I thought it would be nothing short of plagiarism. I mean they can't change the basic rules, they are all the same. Each author out there is just rewording those basic stands. Like our hands crossed against our chest is a sign of defensive position, now people just keep on changing words and at the end of day express the same idea.

I was not wrong with this article. I won't say its the same ideas cos it is from a women's perspective and that adds a new tinge to the ideas. Like she says:

"women really do prefer men with straight, upright postures"

and then she explains how and why. Read this article and you would surely pick up a tip or two!

Guys: Body Language Basics For Seducing Women
By Tiffany Taylor

Body language is VERY important. According to studies carried out over 50% of your communication comes from your body language – what you DON’T say and less then 8% of your communication comes from what you DO say.

What does this mean to you?

It is MORE important to pay careful attention to HOW you say things, and HOW you stand and HOW you act than it is to WHAT you say (at least initially).

You see, you could have the BEST game in the world and be able to really get any woman to like you loads, for example online, but if you used those same successful techniques in the real world and lacked obvious confidence, lacked eye contact etc – You would simply CRASH and BURN.

Honestly, body language is SOOOO important in attracting women. Later in the course we’ll go into how you can use the female’s body language to READ her mind and know what she’s thinking. This article is about YOUR body language.

Ok… So, I’ll cover the basics as the advanced stuff is beyond the scope of this article (if you want more advanced detail concerning body language you can check out my site:

Body language basics:

1. Smile

You have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable that you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick as possible. Especially when talking to her for the first time. You also need to let her know that you are confident and comfortable around women. A big and genuine smile is the best way to do this. It works. In fact, if you ever get an Ice Queen that you can tell is about to give you the “dead eye”, give her a big smile. Practice smiling at random people. You’ll be surprised by how many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. Smiling WORKS. Just don’t make it a cheesy, fake smile ;)

2. Eye contact

As you know there’s nothing worse than staring at a woman’s chest – or even looking. It makes you just like all the other guys who drool over her. If anything you should use all your skill to NOT look at her chest – she’ll wonder why her womanly powers don’t work with you and she’ll seek your attention and subconsciously TRY to get you to look!

When talking to her, try to maintain eye contact. Not too much because it can be intimidating, but if you aim to have eye contact with her around 70% of the time you are talking, this should be comfortable for most women. Don’t stare like a crazy man, just be natural but if you naturally look away or are slightly shy when it comes to eye contact, make a conscious effort to have a little more. Eye contact can make serious connections within people. They say the eyes are a window to the soul and I think there may be some truth to that. There are even speed dating type events being run that involve just staring into each others eyes – and from what I hear, they are pretty successful.

Maintain eye contact. Not too much, about 70% of conversation time. Be natural.

3. Upright posture

Guys can get away with a bit of a hunch, but women really do prefer men with straight, upright postures. Look at all the big film actors like Pitt, Cruise etc. They all have good posture. It says to a woman you are confident, healthy, and strong (at least in mind). It’s just generally more attractive and says lots about who you are. Plus it’s good for your back and will help strengthen your back muscles making it easier to maintain.

Get into the HABIT of having an upright posture.

4. Gesticulate with open palms

You will not hear this tip anywhere else (or if you do, it was almost certainly copied from this course).

I’ve gone into in depth studies of body language and this one is a good one to use in MANY circumstances – I’ve adapted it here after solid testing to picking up women – however, some people suggest that when combined with a few other verbal and non-verbal techniques it can even give you a 50/50 chance of getting out of speeding fines!

Anyway, basically, when you are talking to a woman and trying to make a point (that puts you in a positive light) or defend yourself (for example, a girl suggests you might be a player) you talk and using your hands you have open palms facing upwards. Keep your arms in front of your body with your palms facing the sky and smile as you talk.

It works VERY well on a subconscious level to suggest you are being honest and telling the truth. And if you want a woman to begin to trust you, making her think you are being straight with her, is important.

This open palm gesticulation MUST be combined with a smile to work effectively.

Those are the basics of body language, if you'd like to learn more visit Tiffany Taylor's site by clicking here